Public transportation in Ecuador is really amazing and allows you to get all over the country quite easily and cheaply.
I want to take a moment to show you the different ways there are.
There is the pedi-cab (50 cents a ride)
The Panga (50 cents a person)
The bus - price varies. Mostly 50 cents to a dollar between close towns. From the coast to Quito (a 10 hour ride) is $8/person.
The taxi, of course. Usually $1. The driver had a seatbelt, but, never were there seatbelts in the back where we sat.
The bike and motorbike as depicted below. Most were filled with 3-4 people on road bikes and the motor cycles. The were usually families - mom, dad, and 2 kids - sometimes infants.
The motor cab - never seemed like the motorcycle was going to make it far before breaking down - but, usually it got us there. $1.
And gas prices!! This is NOT $1.48/ is $1.48/GALLON!! Boy, would I like to see these prices back in the U.S.
Well, we have tried all of these and survived. Thank you Ecuador!